Easter Week

Easter Week

Hi Church Family,

He has Risen!  This is what we celebrate this week!

Good Friday we celebrate as “good” because ‘God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.’ 2 Corinthians 5:21.  This is incredible.  Because of Jesus we have forgiveness and freedom from shame and complete access into the holy presence of God!  It was all done for us and not based on my efforts.

Join us online this Friday at 10:30 am https://northdeltachurch.online.church/  for a service by the pastors of North Delta.  We are united as believers by Jesus who along with giving us His righteousness makes us all one family.

Then on Sunday as usual you can join us for a special Easter Service at https://new-hope.ca/

May you this week, as you stay home during this COVID-19 time, take some extra special time to contemplate God’s incredible love for you.  This is a thought that gets me pumped up and gives me peace.  Jesus is in my home with me – he can do that because my sin doesn’t separate me from him – I am righteous in His sight!  How humbling and what an honour.  I am never alone at home.

Happy Easter!

Pastor Wayne


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